Monday, 13 June 2011

Leicester vs Zombies

A worried member of the public has forced Leicester City Council to admit it is unprepared for a zombie invasion.

The authority received a Freedom of Information request which said provisions to deal with an attack, often seen in horror films, were poor.

The Freedom of Information Act allows a right of access to recorded information held by public authorities.

Zombie letter in full

Dear Leicester City Council,

Can you please let us know what provisions you have in place in the event of a zombie invasion? Having watched several films it is clear that preparation for such an event is poor and one that councils throughout the kingdom must prepare for.

Please provide any information you may have.

Yours faithfully,

Concerned Citizen

Ms Wyeth said she was unaware of any specific reference to a zombie attack in the council's emergency plan, however some elements of it could be applied if the situation arose.

Other submissions to the council have included requests for records of paranormal activity and haunted buildings within the city.

"To you it might seem frivolous and a waste of time... but to different people it actually means something,"
said Ms Wyeth.

"Everybody has their own interests and their own reasons for asking these questions."

She added high-profile cases, such as the MPs expenses scandal, has raised public awareness of the right to request information records.

Ed Thurlow, who runs zombie website Terror4Fun, said he felt a zombie invasion in Leicester was highly unlikely.

"I think perhaps [the "Concerned Citizen"] has watched films like 28 Days Later a few too many times."

- Story taken from


  1. the "concerned citizen" reminds me of a character in a comedy written by Caragiale: the "Drunken citizen" :D

    Also, everyone knows that Leicester square is filled with something else, not something that eats our brains, but steals our hearts. You guessed it: beautiful women.

  2. Yeah, I saw this on the news the other day. I find it funny that people can go to these kinds of lengths!

  3. Hahaha wow. Believe it or not i actually think the CDC has a zombie outbreak plan.

  4. I don't even know what to say about the stupidity of some people

  5. It would be amusing for them to prepare for Z-Day, but then again, I would rather have the chaos and such rather than order.

  6. lol, this is funny

    in the event of a zombie invasion we are all screwed

  7. I have a zombie plan of my own. I'm love all things zombies. Great post.

  8. I welcome the zombie apocalypse!

  9. 'Concerned Citizen'
    Remind anyone else of HL2?

  10. zombies all over the place! not..

  11. Well, it's always good to be prepared, just in case...

  12. Even though I am sure the original letter was a joke, it was pretty admirable of the woman to defend people who actually worry about this sort of thing happening. Of course most of us on here think its ridiculous, but overall better to be safe and thought foolish than sorry and thought..well you would be thought foolish either way....

  13. you just gave me a new hobby harrassing public officals XD

  14. freakin hilarious. trolls are funny at times

  15. im ready for when the zombies come ha

  16. This reminded me of Half-Life 2 somehow. :D

  17. Haha, a very funny letter, but I don't think the other citizens should be too worried about zombies.

  18. England passed a Freedom of Information Act? I know that the American Congress passed such a law but I wasn't aware that the U.K. had done the same.

  19. we should start a zombie invasion. anybody have some untested contagious variations of the rabies virus lying around?

  20. everyone should be prepared!
